An ode to all companies.

So in order to amp up my college applications I’ve been searching for internships online. Since the only thing which I can do with utter confidence is write, I applied to a bunch of companies for the position of content writer.

And let me tell you, it ain’t easy. Maybe this sounds juvenile, coming from my inexperienced person, but this process is exhausting. I applied to a lot companies. A lot. And I did get back a few responses, but the mere anticipation of hearing back from them is costing. Yesterday I got a call back from 2 agencies, asking me to write a ‘test’ article for them. And the first thing which came to my mind was : There goes my Sunday.

Nevertheless, I took my sweet time writing the article (family wasn’t too happy) and finally sent it to them. Here’s hoping for the best.

But while I was going through the process, I couldn’t help but wonder, “If getting an internship is this difficult, how exhausting would it be to get a job?”

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